More On Teddy and Ricky

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that Brian, at Memento Moron, has picked up the banner that your Maximum Leader so carelessly left on the field and has charged the enemy position.

Read his post about the “Tippler” v. Santorum kerfluffle. It is: I’ve Heard of Slow Burns, But This is Ridiculous

Your Maximum Leader agrees with the overarching point of people living in a permissive society (that is civil society) wind up having more permissive attitudes and that can taint their own behaviour. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t want to see a return to Puritanical dress and witch burning (nor he imagines does Brian), but having standards in society is important. We constantly see the erosion of general standard of behaviour and should wonder if by allowing people to do what they will we aren’t harming ourselves a bit too much.

Carry on.

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