More mindless blogging…

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is doing a little bit ‘o blogging to pass a little time. First off, he had to remove the link to the German Uberbabe, Heidi Klum. As she is now with some Italian granddad-lover’s child, she no longer deserves a place of esteem in the link list. But, fear not! The very-dear-to-our-hearts, Jennifer Love Hewitt remains. Ah, Jennifer, why does your Maximum Leader bother to stray from you? He wonders….

Sad, yet not so sad, news from Israel. The Uzi is officially retired. While the gun does have its problems (read the article - your Maximum Leader agrees completely with the deficiencies listed) it is somewhat sad that the gun is no longer officially in the arsenal of the IDF. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t know much about the Tavor (the Uzi’s replacement), but will endeavour to find out more.

Never send a cat to do a dog’s work. Your Maximum Leader (a dog man himsef) firmly believes that man’s best friend would be able to “finish the job” in this type of case. Now that old woman will wonder what the gleam in ever cat’s eye really means for her…

Is this guy related to Keith Richards? I mean really… What would it take to kill this guy if a Blood Alcohol Content of 7.22 will not? Your Maximum Leader, like Robin Williams, is convinced that Keith Richards will survive us all. It looks like Keith will not be alone…

Tables turned on bad “John.” It is good to see a story like this. Your Maximum Leader is glad to see the Bakersfield “lady” take the law into her own hands and give this sicko a little taste of what he should get. (Alas, our criminal justice system might not give him any worse punishment than he has already received. And one can only hope that the “lady” will not be charged with anything.)

Yeah. I know it’s a church NOW. But I bet the guys sitting there will not be thinking about salvation.

Welcome back Annika. Your Maximum Leader missed you. But he still strongly disagrees with you about the F-4 Phantom. Brick with wings…

Kilgore Trout is funny. Very funny. Many thanks to Anna for finding him. (Note to Anna: Love the Christmas photo and kewpie. Both excellent.)

This man is a machine. If you don’t check out Professor Burgess-Jackson’s blog every day you will miss something very thought provoking. And that would be your loss. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t know how he does it. He always is posting something. It is great. Your Maximum Leader wishes he had the time and spare neurons to do such good work.

Your Maximum Leader would like to learn more about what is going on at this UNESCO Conference that Tyler Cowen over at Volokh is attending. It seems a little scary.

For all you single people out there. This is a good quotation.

And finally…. Your Maximum Leader is working on two (yes two!) more substantive blogs. One is just fisking something he read earlier. The second is something that has been germinating for a while…. Until later my minions!

Carry on.

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