More Esoterica, 110 proof

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been quite busy plotting world domination and such. And this evening he had hoped to do some updating, but his internet connection to the Villainschloss was down for a few hours. Thus, he has been neglecting his blog. And just like one of those tomogochi things that were popular for about 15 minutes about 15 years ago, a blog without attention dies a slow, starving death. That said… Allow your Maximum Leader to dish up a little bit more esoterica for your reading pleasure.

First off, as your Maximum Leader was logging into Blogger to compose this little treatise, he was momentarially distracted by two (yes, two) blogs that caught his eye.

The first was Positively 18th Street. The entries on the title page were funny and made your Maximum Leader laugh aloud for a moment and forget the burdens of being Maximum Leader. He was particularly struck by entry #2 in the list of 10 Dumb things to do in the springtime. Your Maximum Leader quotes:

2. Call 100 of your closest friends and tell them that you just moved into a new apartment in the city and that you are having a huge party this Saturday at 8:00pm. When 100 people call you on Saturday sitting outside the address that you gave them, laugh and tell them that you were only kidding and that you still live in your parent’s basement.

Funny? N’est-ce pas? Your Maximum Leader thought so. So there.

The second was Celibate in the City. It is the blog of a 28 year old Mormon girl who is trying the dating scene in her non-Utah city. She is a virgin, and wants to remain so. She is true to her religion, and your Maximum Leader respects that. Of course, since your Maximum Leader is a religion unto himself, he would like her to stay true to him…

It seems Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s plane has been found. He was a brave and daring man. His book “The Little Prince” is wonderful. Your Maximum Leader needs to obtain a copy (in English) and read it to the Villainettes.

And that is about all for now since it is late.

Carry on.

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