More bloggy goodness…

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader finds himself unable to concentrate on other things, and as such is resorting to blogging to clear his mind. No telling where this “type” of therapy might take him…

Your Maximum Leader must apologize for spelling errors in the blog. The errors upset his sensibilities greatly. To explain how these problems occur, he sometimes runs the post through the spell checker provided by blogger, but that never seems to work correctly. Oftentimes he is rushing to blog in between meetings with Henchmen, or the Trilateral Commission, his IM’ing sessions with the Pope, and his daily To-do list for the World Bank. Sometimes your Maximum Leader just doesn’t have the time to properly revise and edit his remarks.

And now a little movie dialogue:

Trooper: Let me see your identification.

Amidala: You don’t need to see his identification.

Trooper: We don’t need to see his identification.

Amidala: These aren’t the nipples you are looking for.

Trooper: These aren’t the nipples we are looking for.

Amidala: He can go about his business.

Trooper: You can go about your business.

Amidala: Move along.

Trooper: Move along… Hey what is that funny feeling in my pants?

More proof that doing to excess can kill you.

“W’haes a wee Dutch girlie like ye doin’ dressed up like a Scottish lass? Aye! I take bak the wee bit.”

What is going on? Eminem a racist? Michael Jackson a pedophile? Who’da thunk it. Want to know what else the police found during their search of the Neverland Ranch? Click here. And as an aside to that last point. What idiot parent lets his kid SLEEP OVER at Michael “I like the little boys” Jackson’s place? Do you just want your boy to be buggered? Do you think being sodomized by Michael Jackson would help the kid? Some people just need to be dragged out and shot.

After reflecting on that last bit. Your Maximum Leader does want to honestly say that while he is not a homosexual, he doesn’t object to what two grown mature people do with each other in private. As readers of this space might remember, there was a bit of a debate going on homosexual marriage here a while ago. While your Maximum Leader’s position has not changed on that point, it is once again in the news. As you have no doubt read the Massachusetts Supreme Court has ruled that homosexual marriage is legal. While dismayed by this decision, a common theme comes up in the commentary on this subject. There is no logical reason why homosexuals shouldn’t be married. And since judges like to think that the law is logical and rational, there is no reason to stop it. Your Maximum Leader agrees, there is no logical reason why (in a secular society) one should ban or otherwise prohibit homosexual marriage. But that doesn’t mean that there s not a cultural reason to continue the ban. Your Maximum Leader recognizes that he is (most likely) on the loosing end of this argument. But he still disagrees. He found himself listening to Mass. Governor Mitt Romney this morning on the Today show and laughed as he heard the Governor say that a Constitutional Amendment to the Mass. Constitution would overturn the court decision. It will never happen. The idea that has some legs is the idea of a civil union. While your Maximum Leader is not terribly fond of civil unions either, he doesn’t see why that vehicle could be used to effect the end that homosexuals want. He supposes that any two adult people could enter into a civil union. But marriage, your Maximum Leader firmly believes, is still rooted in a religious context and as such should not be extended to a homosexual couple.

Keyshawn Johnson sits out the season. Your Maximum Leader says “Go John Gruden! Show the whiny bitch the door.”

And finally, President Bush gives a good speech at the Guildhall in London.

Well it looks like this blog started light-hearted, but then got serious. Humm… On that note! Remember the holidays are coming. Don’t you need to get some Maximum Leader apparel? Sure you do. It is cold outside. How about a sweatshirt? It is warm and cozy by the fire. How about some boxers, or a thong to go with your T-shirt or Camisole! Your Maximum Leader knows that many of you are not reading this space for shameless commercial promotions. But CafePress just sent your Maximum Leader a message exhorting him to upgrade his commerce site with personalized photos. With that in mind, here is a thought for the female readers. (And female readers only.) If you purchase some Maximum Leader apparel, and send him a photo of you in that apparel; your Maximum Leader will refund you the cost of the item (plus shipping) you purchased. This offer only good on purchases made through December 19, 2003.

Carry on.

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