Minion Mailbag Part CLXXII

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was pleased to learn that someone out there is still reading this blog. Ever since he asked the porn site to de-link Nakedvillainy your Maximum Leader has seen his inflated traffic numbers drop back to their normal levels… It was nice to dream.

Anyway. Your Maximum Leader wrote yesterday concerning a misleading headline about Stone Age stores. Today he sees he got a note in his villainous e-mail from minion Norm over at Quantum Thought. Norm writes:

Ifthere are indeed Old Stores just coming to light then serious problems now exist. I am of course talking about back taxes. Do these Ancient Peoples think we are fools. There is no escaping the compounding of taxes that will have to be calculated and appropriate penalties computed. This slacking of fiscal policy cannot be tolerated. Please forward a complete listing of all “Stores” involved, square footage, inventories, and present ownership with complete address and tax identification numbers to Quantum Thought Internal Revenues, Egyptian Dept. Middle Eastern Enforcement Division.

Norm, your Maximum Leader salutes you for the vigour with which you keep up with tax collection laws. In the Mike World Order there is surely good work in “store” for you.

And dear minions, don’t forget to check out Norm’s blog, Quantum Thought. The Chinese Monkey Dancer is sure to entertain.

Carry on.

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