Minion Mailbag Part 101

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is having some difficulty writing bloggy goodness today. Writers block or something. He’s started a Jennifer Love Hewitt post, a Weblog Awards post, a Friday Villainy Post, and a few others that he’s deleted. We’ll see what he can come up with for later.

In the interests of picking the low hanging fruit, your Maximum Leader will answer a loyal minion’s question. This minion, who wishes to remain annonymous, was wondering about the provenance of the three “porn” images (here, here, and here) to which your Maximum Leader linked yesterday. Your Maximum Leader is happy to share that information. Those images are photos of wall paintings from a brothel in the Roman city of Pompeii. As your Maximum Leader understands it, the various acts that the prostitutes would perform for a fee were painted on the walls of the reception hall of the brothel. Patrons could “view the menu” while waiting their turn.

In case you are headed to southern Italy and would like to see Pompeii for yourself, here is the offical site of the Superintendent of Archeology in Pompeii. (And here is an interesting virtual tour site.) But your Maximum Leader is informed by a visitor to Pompeii that the brothel is not on any tour.

Carry on.

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