Miller’s 300

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has always thought that the Spartans have gotten the shaft in our study of Greek history. There is much to be learned and studied in Sparta’s contribution to Greek history. About all most people know about Sparta is that it was a military state where men trained their whole lives to fight.

If people know more, it is likely that they have heard of Thermopylae. The famous battle where 300 Spartans (and their allies - most notably the Thespians) held off the whole Persian army for days. (Check out the link to read about the battle, and to see the great painting “Leonidas and the Spartans” by David.)

Recently, comic book artist Frank Miller wrote a wonderful graphic novel (if there really is such a thing) called “300.” Your Maximum Leader owns “300″. Now your Maximum Leader has learnt that Miller’s work has been turned into a movie. He admits he is pretty excited to see it… Here is the trailer:

Thanks to Ragnar at the Jawa Report for directing your Maximum Leader to the trailer.

Carry on.

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