
Sadie makes a wild, unsubstantiated charge.

The idea of your humble Smallholder being metrosexual will surely bring tears to the eyes of the other ministers.

Metrosexuals are famously fussy about their hair. My hair-care regimine is the shampoo, shake, and go to work. Heck, if Mrs. Smallholder would let me I’d just keep my head shaved so their would be maintenance at all*.

Sadie piles the calumny higher, implying that I hold myself above pop-culture.

As our loyal readers know, I’m ALL ABOUT pop culture.

As long as the pop culture is late eighties with a heavy flavoring of Monty Python.

Perhaps Sadie is spinning these reckless charges because I evicted her from the barn to make way for the pigs.

* Mrs. Smallholder, in her typical caring way, explains that I can’t get away with baldness like Jordan because my “head is oddly shaped.”

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