Memories, Pressed between the Pages of My Mind.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader realizes that some of you may be wondering exactly what the good Minister of Agriculture is talking about in this recent post.

As your Maximum Leader read it, he knew all the background behind the stories the Smallholder was trying to relate in his sleep deprived state. But your Maximum Leader realized that others, not having lived those experiences, wouldn’t have the foggiest idea of what he was writting. So, if you are interested in the background read on. If not, feel free to click here to read a meaningful post on another quality blog.

Where to begin my minions?

Let your Maximum Leader begin with the “Denver Girl” that the Smallholder mentions. The “Denver Girl” is a friend of your Maximum Leader and Smallholder from college. She is quite cute, lots of fun, and recently single. Your Maximum Leader did try to play yentl for Kilgore and the “Denver Girl.” But this never really came off. Your Maximum Leader felt a little awkward trying to set these two people up. He wanted to do it in a way that allowed the two to meet over the internet and then decide if things looked right for a safe cup of coffee in a well-lit public place. This is Kilgore afterall; and he is “dangerous.”

So, your Maximum Leader called “Denver Girl” and broached the possibility of a meeting. “Denver Girl” informed your Maximum Leader that she had a profile and that your Maximum Leader was free to give it to Kilgore.

Well it turned out that the profile “Denver Girl” gave to your Maximum Leader was not active or some such nonsense. Because your Maximum Leader thought he would look at it before sending it on to Kilgore. Try as he might, he couldn’t find the “Denver Girl’s” profile.

Your Maximum Leader called “Denver Girl” a number of times to try and see if there was some issue or miscommunication. Allow your Maximum Leader to say that “Denver Girl” is hard to get a hold of. She’s never at home. (She does work a lot.) She rarely checks e-mail. And your Maximum Leader believes she must never turn on her cell. Anyway… By the time that your Maximum Leader finally got through “Denver Girl” didn’t seem as interested.

Since the Smallholder brings it up, he might inquire of both Kilgore and “Denver Girl” if they would like to try again…

Next… Speaking of virtual “groping” as the Smallholder did… Your Maximum Leader is hoping to be virtually groped by the sexy and spirited Sadie Mirth for an upcoming “Blogger Interview.” Stay tuned.

At this point many of you may not be interested in reading on. Your Maximum Leader understands. Nakedvillainy is not, and wasn’t really ever intended to be, a “personal blog” per se. So rather than subject those of you who are disinterested in this topic to more you will just have to scroll through, your Maximum Leader will end this post here. But if you are interested in reading about your Maximum Leader’s college days you should click here.

Carry on.

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