Meme for Sadie

I don’t normally do these things, but I fear that unless I comply with sweet lass from Oklahoma’s request, Skippy may supplant me as the subject of her lovesick poetry.

1. How many music files do you have on your computer?

None. What is this, a legal fishing expedition by Sony’s lawyers?

2. Last CD you bought:

I honestly can’t remember. I suppose I bought a Lonestar CD for my wife for Christmas in 2003. I received several for Christmas from family.

3. What is the last song you listened to before this message?

AC/DC “You Shook Me All Night Long”

4. Five songs that you often listen to or that mean a lot to you?

Lonestar’s “Front Porch Looking In” and Tim McGraw’s “Where the Green Grass Grows” are the official theme songs of Sweet Seasons Farm.

Dave Matthews’ “Ants go Marching” - My requiem for suburban living.

Bare Naked Ladies’ “Brian Wilson Song” - Love the instrumental part.

John Cougar Mellancamp’s “Rain on the Scarecrow” - It was popular when my family lost the farm back in the Eighties. Still makes me mist up.

Um, I can’t really think of anything else. I guess back in high school The Fine Young Cannibals’ “Good Thing” got me through a rough breakup.

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