Media Bias?

I can only speak for myself, but media bias as shown in FoxNews or the Washington Post doesn’t bother me one bit. I recognize the bias, and filter it out. Personally I like the Washington Post not because of its liberal bias, but its regional bias. living in te area, I have no problem with news coverage skewed to my region. Or my sports teams.

The only thing about FoxNews that bothers me is the attitude that SOME of it’s people have… the “Fair and Ballanced” shit, or the “No Spin Zone” stuff. It’s as biased as the NY Times or the National Review. Recognize the right wing bias and acknowlege it. If you’re a right winger, then of course you think that that point of view is correct. Just recognize that it’s a point of view that a lot of people don’t share.

The part of the Conservative media that pisses me off is mostly talk radio, and I’ll use Rush Limbaugh as an example. He’ll give opinions and “Tell it the way it is”. He makes accusations against those who disagree with him. He gets self righteous, and acts as if he is informing the masses of things that “the liberal Media” doesn’t want the masses to know. Then when he gets caught in factual slipups, “It’s just entertainment, it’s not news.” I actually heard him on an interview say something like “noone actually believes that I’m reporting facts.” Well, actually, I know a lot of people who do. And that’s the problem. A lack of accountability. He’ll say whatever he wants, and when he gets somethign wrong (and it seems to me he makes stuff up to make points) then it’s just entertainment and it’s OK.

To be “fair and balanced”, its the same problem I have with the leftist self righteous shit, Michael Moore.

And as for this “Liberal Media” crap, if you take the media as a whole, printed, radio, TV etc. There is a pretty wide spectrum of political viewpoints. Conservatives have Fox, NRO, the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, pretty much ALL talk radio, and a nice slice of op-ed writers, TV pundits etc. Yes, mainstream news on TV is slanted Left. Big deal. Stop whining about it.

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