Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was going to save this until Friday, but he just can’t. Remember that Friday (November 19) is “World Toilet Day.” It has been thus declared so by the World Toilet Organization. (Which by the way is conducting the World Toilet Summit, even as we blog, in Beijing. NB to the Poet Laureate: If you tried really hard right now you might be able to catch the last day. Go to the airport now! Hie thee to China! Screw classes!)
Want to read some great news releases? Go to the World Toilet Organization’s press page. Brilliant!
And finally… Your Maximum Leader understands that some of the stuffy bureaucrats at the World Trade Organization might not like another group sharing their initials. But really now, your Maximum Leader thinks the World Toilet Organization is doing much more important work for humanity.
Carry on.