Male Agendas

Ally, the always insightful doyenne of Who Moved My Truth, points out that men and women think differently.

I agree.

Ladies, when you are analyzing the actions of your man, you are probably reading waaaaaay to much into things, kind of like Mr. Crowder did with Herman Hesse in tenth-grade English.

The Celibate likes to try to figure out what her dates are thinking.

Answer: Not much.

Would you like an illustration of this principle from Smallholder’s dating history?

Of course you would.

Freshman year of college. I had kept in contact with a couple casual girlfriends from high-school. I mean casual in that we were friends who occasionally kissed. No baggage or anything. In fact, one of the girls was also casually seeing my best friend - the currently MIA Minister of Propaganda. If I came home for a weekend, I might catch a movie with whoever was around. One might visit Longwood on the occasional Saturday. No commitment, or anything.

While I was off at Longwood, they became good friends. Never bothered to tell me about it. They knew they were both seeing me and weren’t upset by it.

So over Christmas break, a buddy and I decide to have a formal dinner and take friends caroling afterward. So I call one girl up - she was a singer - and asked if she wanted to be my date. She said sure, but couldn’t come to dinner because she had some kind of madrigal rehearsal. Cool.

Well, I get to talking with girl number two. She tells me that she has church that evening, and I figure, hey, I can have dinner with her before church. Completely innocent. Didn’t have an agenda or think it through at all.

But then they started talking about what they were doing over the weekend. They discover that one has a date with me at 6:00 and the other is meetng me at 8:00.

Now they knew that they were both seeing me. But evidently, by trying to see them both in the same evening, I had violated some horrible rule, so they drove over to my house to break up with me.




I really wasn’t trying to be a scumbag. But evidently their analysis of my actions differed.

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