Magic Number - 1000

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that his fine Commonwealth is fixin’ to execute Robin Lovitt tomorrow night. Mr. Lovitt will hold the dubious distinction of being the 1000th person to be executed in the United States since the reinstatement of the death penalty in 1976.

In case you’re wondering, according to the article Texas, Virginia, and Oklahoma account for 997 of the 1000 executions.

Now allow your Maximum Leader to say a few things on this subject. First off, your Maximum Leader does not believe that the death penalty deters any criminal from committing a capital crime. Secondly, your Maximum Leader does believe that the death penalty is inequitably assigned to blacks more than whites. And thirdly, the appeal process for those on death row is a little lengthy - but your Maximum Leader is okay with that. Indeed, your Maximum Leader thinks that, if anything, the disparity between blacks and whites on death row could be alieviated by just sentencing more whites to die. And frankly, if the death penalty were not so rare it might have some deterrent affect. (Although your Maximum Leader freely conceeds that even if the death penalty were not rare it would still not have a deterrent affect on capital crime. He is well aware that centuries of executions have not changed the heart of men.)

So all that said, your Maximum Leader still supports the death penalty and he will shed no tears when Mr. Lovitt is executed tomorrow night. He might (if he remembers) pray for God to have mercy on Mr. Lovitt.

All in all, as frequent readers and loyal minions know, your Maximum Leader believes quite firmly that there are some crimes that are so heinous that if one is convicted of them the state should kill them. Indeed, your Maximum Leader’s personal preference in this matter is that the a person convicted of a capital crime be put outside the protection of the state and all citizens are free to do what they will to him. But that aside, some people just deserve killin’ (as some of my fellow countrymen might say).

In fact, the only thing that concerns your Maximum Leader in this case is that Texas will move their schedule around and sneak number 1000 in tonight.

Carry on.


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