Love Those Turks

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t know if you all saw that footage of Turkish police killing the failed suicide bomber. (Failed in the sense that he failed to detonate his bomb - but was successful in the getting himself killed department. So that means that he was probably batting .500 in that respect.) The footage was rather graphic. But a follow-on news article from Reuters disturbed your Maximum Leader. Here is the article: Turk police shoot dead suspected suicide bomber.

Here are the disturbing points for your Maximum Leader. “Suspected” Sure the terrorist was “suspected” in trying to bomb the Justice Ministry building. But his bomb failed to detonate. That would lead your Maximum Leader to believe that once the boby was examined there was little suspicion of the terrorist’s intentions.

The other disturbing point is how sensitive the Turks have to be in this whole matter. The Justice Minister is quoted as saying the police weren’t trigger-happy but had to shoot the man because he had a bomb on his person that he was intent to use. Then the Justice Minister went on to say that Turkey will improve its human rights.

Wha? Your Maximum Leader is confused. You are defending the actions of the police who killed a terrorist bent on destroying himself and taking as many others as he could with him? Who are you defending your actions from? Oh… That’s right. Europeans. Those sensitive Euro-weanies.

Well Turkish Justice Minister Cemil Cicek, your Maximum Leader doffs his bejeweled floppy hat to you and the police who did the shooting. Job well done. One more dead bad-guy. Kill some more if you find them trying to blow up any other buildings.

Carry on.

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