Lost Blogging

As our readers may or may not know, I am part of a mixed marriage.

My wife likes television. I’m a Luddite and would happily “kill the tube.”

I’m not taking some morally elitist position here. I just find that, if the television is on, I’ll become a couch potato and watch it. After all, I’ll say to myself, the book I’m reading will still be here in thirty minutes. That Seventies Show is on now!

And then, thirty minutes of my life later, I realize that I have wasted thirty minutes of my life.

BUT there are a few shows that I really like. Buffy was awesome. The Simpsons make me chortle. I wish that I had watched Firefly when it was on, but at Brian B.’s urging I netflixed and loved the show. Early West Wing stuff was great. Law and Order is an old standby in reruns. But there is only one show currently in production that interests me at all: Lost.

I swear to God, there better be a friggin’ coherant story arc that will explain all the weird stuff. If the writers have no idea where they are going and are just putting pseudo-mysterious crap out there, I will be pissed.

But as for now, I’m fascinated by all the twists and turns (and was sorry that holding AP movie nights for my students made me miss three of this season’s episodes so I have even less of a clue about what is going on).

I have one gripe, however.

Jack is the “man of reason” and Locke is the “man of faith.” Ought Locke be an Enlightened man of reason?

And shouldn’t the mysterious, bitter, and cyncial Rousseau have a more optimistic view about the nature of man?

Just sayin’.

P.S. Kudos to the Minister of Propaganda for introducing me to Buffy and West Wing. I only started watching them beause he was working on those shows and was being supportive of my bud. But then the story lines suckered me in. If only he would get a job on “Lost” or “My Name is Earl,” I could brag that I know someone working on the show. And he might introduce me to Evangeline Lilly. Of course, My Name is Earl is unwatchable crap, but for some reason, I’d like to visit the set…


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