Liberals just hate their own medicine

Did you know that Kerry was a decorated war hero? I must have missed them mentioning that. Oh, no wait. Kerry is running his campaign on 4 months of service in Vietnam.

So now we have had another group of veterans that “know” Kerry and want to get their message out. The funny thing is, McCain (and Kerry for that matter) are not saying that the Swiftboat vets are lying, just that it is a dirty tactic.

“Hoffmann said none of the 13 veterans in the commercial served on Kerry’s boat but rather were in other swiftboats within 50 yards of Kerry’s. The group claims that there was no gunfire on the day Kerry pulled Rassmann from a muddy river in the Mekong Delta and that Kerry’s arm was not wounded, as he has claimed.”

Those on the left havepioneered these cheap shot tactics. When its “their adds” (or websites) they label them the “truth” ( etc). So we stole your playbook and are running some plays.

“McCain said that’s all in the past to him, but he’s speaking out against the anti-Kerry ad because “it reopens all the old wounds of the Vietnam War, which I spent the last 35 years trying to heal.”

I am glad you agree with McCain on this issue (as I am sure you are a HUGE McCain supporter) . But I can’t really imagine that the Minister of Propaganda gives a rat’s ass about reopening old wounds.

And when did your fetish for War Heroes start? Do you still have your Dole for president button or is this fascination a recent development?

It must be. Because it used to be that it was not the war hero that we supported, but the guy who leaves our country and goes to the UK to protest the war.

You have to understand how hard it is for the regular voter to keep up with West Coast voting fashions.

on another note
I too wonder where the ML is. I hope he sees that except for the occasional Redskins advertisement, that this blog is turning into a mouthpiece for the left. I only post because I get sick of seeing the same pro-Kerry blog every time I check out Nakedvilliany.
Save us o Maximum Leader!

I will stop my delusional rantings when you do!

Back to the trenches….

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