King Fahd of Saudi Arabia - Dead.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader suspects that by now you’ve heard that Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd has died. Well, depending on your philosophical approach to these things one could say that his body died today and his mind died years ago when he had his stroke.

King Fahd was a masterful player of the delicate art of being a good buddy to the West and a noble patron to Islamofacists. Crown Prince (now King) Abdullah is of the same mold your Maximum Leader fears. One can hope that change will soon come to the House of Saud and the nation they rule so effectively.

Humm… Two King Abdullah’s in the middle east. One supposes they will now go by the monikers Abdullah of Jordan and Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

Oh. Your Maximum Leader also hears that out of deference to the passed autocrat, the Arab League will not meet in Sharm Al-Sheik as planned this week. How thoughtful.

Carry on.

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