Just Stuff.

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has not been posting over the past few days as he has been trying to get this Javascript to work on his site. It is supposed to randomly select tag lines for the blog from a list. But, it is not working! DAMNIT! DAMNIT ALL TO HELL! DAMN BLOGGER! (NB: Your Maximum Leader knows that the problem may not be Blogger, but he enjoys flying into an occasional rage. Generally when your Maximum Leader works himself into such a rage, just like when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset, someone dies.) So with that in mind… Here are some quasi-pithy comments on the news.

What can you say but, Ouch!

And while we are talking about babies… Your Maximum Leader saw this on Allah’s site, but wondered about the truth to the story. Well, it is now being carried on the major news wires. This means that the story is true, or that the major news wires are just piling on.

It seems the Brits have a “Bad Sex” award they are having Sting award tonight. Your Maximum Leader (an anglophile by the way) has spoken to some British women about the prowess of British men. He was led to believe that Bad Sex and British were nearly synonymous.

Did you know the greatest football column in the world is now on NFL.com? After the morons at ESPN canned him, Gregg Easterbrook (aka: TMQ or Tuesday Morning Quarterback) has been picked up by the league site. Excellent! Your Maximum Leader approves.

President Bush will remove the tariffs on steel imports. Which is good. But it causes protests. Your Maximum Leader is all for free trade. But he would like to see some EU favouritism and government assistance to European farmers, steel producers, and others eliminated too. Free trade should be on as equal a footing as possible.

Isn’t this wonderful. The EU goes on and on and on about how evil the Bush Admin is about not following the Kyoto Protocols. But now they are (with a Gallic shrug and a waving of their nicotine stained fingers) backsliding. Ha! Your Maximum Leader wonders if the media will be all over the… er… all over the…. Who the hell runs the EU anyway? Some bureaucrat in Brusells? The government of the member nations? Who really knows. They will not be taken to task for it regardless. And Greenpeace will not protest the Germans, French, Belgians, Dutch, Danes, Italians, etc like they do the US.

Your Maximum Leader has finally fond a hotel room in NYC that meets his villainously high standards.

And finally, your Maximum Leader would like to thank the Minister of Agriculture for the venison. Mrs. Villain cooked some up in a stew last night, and it was quite tasty. He may partake of the leftovers tonight.

Carry on.

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