Judge Not, Lest You Be Judged

The Republicans are hypocrites on the issue of judicial appointments. The nominated individuals are activist judges that cater to the reactionary views of the religious right. The fight now is really about the next Supreme Court vacancy. I don’t want another conservative serving a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court, particularly given this administration’s stated legal views concerning the designation of U.S. citizens as enemy combatants, the Patriot Act’s disregard for civil liberties, the Geneva Conventions and the use of torture, the slow criminalization of dissent, and a general disregard for the rule of law. I hope the Republicans lose now, on general principle. As a bonus, it will be a mortal wound for Frist, and that’s something I would love to see.

Of course the country elected these assholes, and we all have to live with the growing influence of the religious right. I just imagine a better country than that, even though I expect it to remain imaginary.


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