
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader thought he’d get some quality posting time in this week. Well, wrong he was. It looks like he will not be posting much until next week. His schedule became very hectic yesterday and doesn’t look like it will let up for a few days. What is your Maximum Leader doing?

Well… If you were in Bethesda, MD yesterday afternoon you might have seen your Maximum Leader tooling around in the 2006 Bentley Flying Spur. Your Maximum Leader is helping a friend narrow his search for a new family truckster. He’ll have to admit that the Bentley is a truly fine automobile. Probably the finest automobile he’s ever sat/ridden/drove in. Your Maximum Leader’s heart is filled with lust for the Bentley. Of course, your Maximum Leader’s preference would be for a Continental GT and not the Flying Spur… But hell… It takes all kinds…

Today your Maximum Leader is going to be in various places around DC on business. Tomorrow, your Maximum Leader is preparing for a formal ball he will be attending. Preparing in so much as he and Mrs Villain and your Maximum Leader’s Brother and Sister-in-law will be hosting 8 other couples for a pre-ball dinner… Lots of stuff to take care of… (Your Maximum Leader thinks he’s buying booze in fact…)

So, until later… Ciao.

Carry on.

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