Jerusalem Greetings loyal minions. Your


Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader got a chuckle this morning from reading his Poet Laureate’s blog called “Solomon Redux.” I commend it to you all. What makes this more interesting is that your Maximum Leader just read this article a few moments before. Your Maximum Leader is familiar with many proposals to “internationalize” Jerusalem. Alas, he fears that in the end they will all come to naught. As the Big Hominid observes, both Jews and Muslims have too much invested in the city to really give it up. Your Maximum Leader does see what might happen should this proposal move forward. For the sake of peace, Israelis will agree to the internationalization of the city. Shortly thereafter, Jerusalem will be overwhelmed by Muslims who will regain de facto control of the city - since in their view the Israelis have abandoned the city. Hell, the Palestinians will possibly be granted de jure control of the city since the UN will be involved. (Your Maximium Leader asks you to review the UN’s history towards Israelis in the near term and think hard about that last point.) The root cause of this problem is that no matter how much diplomacy or peace-waging one does, the Palestinians just do not believe that Israel has a right to exist in the first place. Any conession by Israel is viewed as another step towards the end of the state of Israel. Your Maximum Leader believes that Israel must be supported as it is the only stable western nation in the region. Ultimately, the Palestinian authority is nothing more than a nice front for a group of Islamo-fascists who will not be satisfied until Israel is destroyed.

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