
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is very pleased to report that the first ever Jawapalooza was a rousing success. He was happy to meet many bloggers. Of course there was Dr. Rusty. Also attending were: Dr. Leopold, Gordon the Cranky Neocon, The Demosophist, BRD of Anticipatory Retaliation, and the great James Joyner of Outside the Beltway.

Great fun was had by all. It was a pleasure to put names and personalities to bloggers. Your Maximum Leader is particlarly pleased to have heard these great bloggers speak. He will now “hear” their voice when he reads their blogs. That is always fun, because up until this point as he read My Pet Jawa he always heard Jawas in his mind.

Your Maximum Leader would like to go into more lurid details as to the level of revelry during Jawapalooza. But you know, like Vegas, what happens at Jawapalooza stays at Jawapalooza.

Although your Maximum Leader will admit that he was the “geezerly” one who started to break up the party well after midnight. Being Maximum Leader requires that one get some sleep from time to time…

Carry on.

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