It’s Raining Men

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is a pretty normal heterosexual guy. Indeed, few things please him, in so many ways, as regarding the female form. Indeed, all of the regular writers here at Naked Villainy are fond of mentioning our lusty thoughts concerning the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt, the tawdry Jaime Pressly, and the recovering Kate Moss.

But your Maximum Leader knows that many of his loyal readers are women. And what has your Maximum Leader done for you (dear ladies) recently? Well, frankly nothing. So to remedy this sad situation your Maximum Leader directs you to the lovely Mo’s site for hunky-Navy-guy-beefcake. He is sure that you will like it.

Carry on.

The photo that Mo has posted reminds your Maximum Leader of a birthday party he attended with the family a few years ago when he lived in Virginia Beach. For those of you who don’t know, Virginia Beach has a high concentration of Navy families due to the Norfolk Naval Station. Your Maximum Leader’s lovely wife, Mrs Villain, had a friend who’s husband was a Navy Seal. One weekend we were invited over to celebrate the birthday of our friend’s daughter. There was one area of the yard where kids were playing, and another where grown-ups congregated. On the adult side a group of Navy Seals started to play volleyball. Within 5 minutes every woman in the place was disregarding their husband and kids watching the testosterone-laden contest. Indeed your Maximum Leader asked Mrs. Villain if she wanted to come and watch the kids put on some play. She responded “No, I’m fine right here.”

After the volleyball game there was a photo taken of the shirtless, sweaty Seals to commemorate the occasion. Your Maximum Leader believes that Mrs. Villain might have a copy of it stashed away somewhere.

Carry on.


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