Islamic Europe

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader found an interesting post from Conrad over on his blog The Gweilo Diaries. It contained some excerpts from a Christopher Caldwell article in which Bernard Lewis says some pretty interesting things. The most interesting is the matter-of-fact fashion in which Lewis stated that “Europe will be part of the Arabic West.”

Whoa doggie! When your Maximum Leader first read those lines he was taken aback. Perhaps it was the straight-forwardness, the candor, of those words on the screen. But the more he thought about it, the more he recognized the truth to Lewis’ statement. Europe will either assimilate the Muslim Arabs within their borders; or they will be Islamofied.

The situation is really that clear.

It would be a shame to see the ancient and glorious cultures of the nations of Europe be subsumed by the rising tide of Islam. But perhaps it is the natural course of things. What the Turks couldn’t accomplish by force will be accomplished by open immigration and cultural relativism.

The irony is not lost on me.

Carry on.

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