
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wasn’t sure what to blog about today. Afterall, he just let go last night when he produced the previous post. So, he might do a few quick updates today for your reading pleasure.

The first one is this piece on Caring for your Introvert from The Atlantic Online. Your Maximum Leader’s favourite bit:

Are introverts oppressed? I would have to say so. For one thing, extroverts are overrepresented in politics, a profession in whch only the garrulous are really comfortable. Look at George W. Bush. Look at Bill Clinton. They seem to come fully to life only around other people. To think of the few introverts who did rise to the top in politics - Calvin Coolidge, Richard Nixon - is merely to drive home the point. With the possible exception of Ronald Reagan, whose fabled aloofness and privateness were probably signs of a deep introverted streak (many actors, I’ve read, are introverts, and many introverts, when socializing, feel like actors), introverts are not considered “naturals” in politics.

Humm… Introverts feel like actors when socializing. A good turn of phrase. Your Maximum Leader wonders how blogging would fit into this analysis?

One more bit your Maximum Leader with which your Maximum Leader is in complete agreement:

My own formula is roughly two hours alone for every hour of socializing.


Your Maximum Leader doffs his bejeweled floppy (myllan) cap to Don for the link.

Carry on.

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