Interwebs acting up?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been trying to get on to post a thing or two all day. But he’s had the damnest time actually trying to do anything on Albert Gore’s interwebs today. He managed a comment or two at a few other blogs, but he’s had many connectivity problems today.

As a result, he doesn’t now feel like typing much.

So… He will leave you all with a few dumped links.

First off, he should make sure all his northeastern readers know that they might get a few extra days to file their Federal Taxes next year. Apparently in 2007 residents of Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont and Washington D.C get to file their taxes by April 17. Because April 15 is a Sunday and April 16 is a state holiday in Massachusetts - where the processing center for the IRS (that handles those states) is located. Happy day to you all. As your Maximum Leader pays his taxes to either the Philadelphia or Memphis processing facility he is pretty much screwed on this.

While your Maximum Leader is sure that many of his readers already have seen this link (it was on The Corner earlier this week), he will republish it here. Why post a link to American History quizzes for High School students? Mostly for the benefit of our friend the Smallholder - who doesn’t frequent The Corner and most likely missed the boat on this one.

Shocking headline of the day off the news wire! Man injured after launching fireworks from his arse. Positively shocking.

Its… Like… Y2K+6+1. NASA is worried about the impending flight of the space shuttle. The next mission of the space shuttle Discovery is scheduled to hae the orbiter aloft over the change from 2006 to 2007. This is a new event for the shuttle and engineers aren’t sure that the Discovery is ready for it. Frankly, there is some sort of pithy rocket scientist joke in this story. Your Maximum Leader is just above making one…

Have you ever wondered why you should “light a match?” Yahoo answers all.

Did you know every day is Sushi Day?

And finally… Congratulations to the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt for her People’s Choice Award nomination as a Favorite TV star. Your Maximum Leader will be rooting for you.

Carry on.

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