In other news… This site is certified to be at least 49% EVIL!

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was directed to this fine website by very loyal minion. According to this group, (the Sect of Homokaasu - whoever they are) this website (the official website of the Mike World Order) is in fact 49% evil. Here is there certification:

This site is certified 49% EVIL by the Gematriculator

Your Maximum Leader is convinced that were it not for the occasional guest post by one of his less evil minions, this site would be much closer to 99% evil.

Your Maximum Leader is trying to get certifications on the Poet Laureate’s site, but it is too big… Humm… That must be the first time anyone has complained about any part of the Poet Laureate being too big.

Carry on.

UPDATE: Your Maximum Leader put a few samples of the Poet Laureate’s writing through the Gematriculator and averaged the results. Including this update of his site, which was most evil. The Big Hominid is, on average, about 24% evil. Your Maximum Leader rests he case about the overall evilness of his site being brought down by his loyal minions. But before you start whining, just remember, the loyal minions are the ones who keep your Maximum Leader from being really mean.

Carry on.

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