In order to get visitors… you have to write interesting stuff…

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sometimes wonders why he has a blog. Of course, the answer is so that he can give small insights into daily life and current events and occasionally highlight how life will be different when you Maximum Leader establishes his world order. But, then it happens that your Maximum Leader gets bogged down in the minutae of living up to the responsibilities encumbent upon him and doesn’t get time to blog. And although it shouldn’t bother him… It does. The past few weeks have been such times. There is so much to comment upon, and so little time available to your Maximum Leader to blog. I hope to block out some time soon to write more substantive stuff…

But, for a moment, allow me to address the AirMarshal’s question of a while ago. Is an offensive idea more dangerous than intolerance of offensive ideas? Not a simple question. But, there is a two pronged answer in my mind. Answer one: In the United States intolerance of offensive ideas is more dangerous than the offensive idea. Answer two: If you are not in the United States, it really depends.

In this nation the founders brought forth a society that treasures free thinking and freedom of speech. I believe the original intent of the founders was that ideas that a majority of citizens might find offensive would stimulate discussion and examination of those ideas. Toleration is a hallmark of the Anglo-American political tradition and because of that tradition we are an open society. Of course, if we lived in Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or China, or a number of African states I would have to argue that the offensive idea is more dangerous. Because the one idea will lead to others and then all hell will break loose.

I would like to go on, but have no time. Hope to write more soon.

Carry on.

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