In Case You Haven’t Guessed…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader must inform you that the dearth of posting you’ve experienced today will continue throughout this week. Your Maximum Leader has lots of nefarious plans coming together this week, and all these things will take time from blogging. He hopes to get some quality blogging done later tonight and tomorrow night. (Although if Sadie contacts your Maximum Leader with interview questions, those will take priority over original blogging.)

He will be away from the Villainschloss; and indeed away from civilization (read: internet) from Wednesday to Friday of this week. In fac, Wednesday to Friday your Maximum Leader will be in a place with no internet, no phones, no TV, and no room service. He is assured that where he will be going there is electricity and indoor plumbing. (Although he can live without those too if it comes down to it.)

So, catch as catch can from your Maximum Leader this week. He hopes that his loyal ministers will pick up the slack.

Carry on.

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Methinks thou art a general offence, and every man should beat thee.

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