Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader decided to follow a link he saw on Skippy’s site. He was a little disappointed with what he found. But decided to post the results here anyway.
The Ultimate Politics Survey
Describe your stance on:
Abortion: Against
Affirmative Action: Against in most circumstances
Age of Consent: 18 (Which is high in most places.)
Animal Testing: Favour
Death Penalty: Favour (preferably more cruel and unusual)
Downloading Music/Movies: Against
Drug Decriminalization: Favour (mostly Marijuana, not other drugs)
Factory Farming: Against (to the extent that it is possible to eliminate)
Free Trade: Favour
Funding of Arts: Against government funding if that is what this is asking.
Gay Marriage: Against
Gun Control: Against
Immigration: Favour
Hardcore Pornography: Favour, but with some restrictions concerning accessibility
Human Cloning: Against
Miltary Draft: Against
Minimum Wage: Against, to a point. Issue is quite complex actually.
Prostitution: Favour, but in a regulated licenced way. Public health concerns and all.
School Vouchers: Favour
Taxes: This is a stupid question. Taxes are the price of government. You have to have them. If the question is should they be higher or lower than they are, then ask that.
United Nations: Against (But stupid question. The UN as an organization dedicated to “world peace” it is useless. But as a forum for endless chatter and talk accomplishing nothing it is perfect!)
Universal Health Care: Against
War on Terrorism: Favour (Another stupid question. Who exactly isn’t in favour of fighting against terrorists who would like to kill us? One can debate how the war should be prosecuted…)
Welfare: Against, with some qualifications. Some social safety net programs are acceptable.
Take The Ultimate Politics Survey
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So there it is. Of course your Maximum Leader could have gone into a plethora of mini-screeds on each subject, but in the spirit of brevity he did not.
Carry on.