i-Tunes Playlist

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was making himself up a new playlist in i-Tunes for downloading to his i-Pod.

He realized that the first three songs he added to this particular playlist were “Making Love out of Nothing at All” by Air Supply, “Candyman” by Christina Agulera, and “I’m Still Standing” by Elton John.

Your Maxmium Leader likely should have his “man card” reviewed…

But since he’s already admitted this much… Here is Sir Elton’s video…

Of course, If you were looking for the anti-Elton; it might be Christina Aguilera… Here is Christina performing “Candyman”…

Hell… While he’s at it… Here is Air Supply…

Enough damage to your Maximum Leader’s reputation for one day…

Carry on.

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