I am sorry that this

I am sorry that this is a little tardy… but I have had a devil of a time getting blogger not to crap out on me. Its working today so I will try posting it again.

The left really has a weak game. Its soooo tiring to hear over and over again. The Republicans are the boogey man and they are going to be waiting in your bedroom, closet, workplace, coffee shop, to get you. They are so busy worrying about the “hate mongering right that they are blinded to their own lack of guiding principals.

The Dems F*&%K’d up.


You Nominated the WRONG GUY.
End of story.

You want back into power? Read this its from your own side!

Show me a Dem like that and I’ll vote for him myself.

I read Bennet and Kudlow. Was it supposed to make me say hmmm?

Once again the other side of the Aisle has misjudged the Right. Again its to their peril. A lot of Americans Identify themselves as religious. Probably the majority of them would tick the box for Christian. Why do the Democrats have such a hard time with that. I lurk at the Democratic Underground often. I keep having to remind myself that these are the so called “Liberal” and (I mean the open minded caring definition of the word that they like to describe themselves as) and you will find more Hate than at a Klan rally!

Gay Marriage
This was too much too fast for the MAJORITY of Americans. EVEN in the BLUE states where Kerry won HANDILY, it was a loosing proposition. And those were just Zell Miller Dems saying no to Gay Marriage like some on the left would like to believe.

Personally, I don not think that it should be banned. If it were up to me, I would institute civil unions tomorrow and give the Gay community the same legal rights as anyone else.
Personally, I do not think that homosexuality is a good thing, but what I think about who a person should be allowed to Love should not matter a hill of shit. If we truly separate Church and State than gay marriage should not even be an issue.
We will get there. It will just take time and it will be a process of winning hearts and minds not bashing someone over the head.

Small Government + Fiscal Responsibility
You know, one of the things that I was going to hate the most about loosing this last election was handing another RECOVERING economy to a Democrat to get the credit again. Things are on the up, we have been on a hell of a ride but the future looks bright.

But the fly in the ointment has and still will be the threat of Terrorism.
The Dems still have not figured out that there has been a paradigm shift in thought regarding this issue. The Islamic Fundamentalist were upset with us prior to 9/11 and had attacked us several times before that date. Its too bad we did not wake up and smell the coffee sooner but we are awake now and there is hell to pay for attacking or threatening to attack us. World opinion might not be behind us every single time, but we can and will look out for ourselves (which most of the time happens to be good for the rest of the world too).

Muscular Foreign Policy
Now I know how Ronald Regan must have felt when he was having a battle of ideology with the cold war. The honorable gentlemen from the other side of the aisle were constantly berating him and were telling the American public that his strategy would not work.
I feel that we are in a similar situation today. Unfortunately, we just can’t outspend the Islamic terrorist (although we are spending plenty to rebuild). We need action and might. Bush is convinced that the only way to peace and prosperity in the Middle East is through democracy. As I have posted before on this site, that usually takes time but that is something that we donv t have the luxury of now. The enemy is not sleeping. They are breeding their malcontent and blaming all of their ills on the United States. 3 year olds in explosive vest do not make a humorous photo to me.
We have paved the way for 2 fledgling Democracies in the Middle East. That makes a total of 3 now right?

Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Gun Rights
Actually, I am turning into more than just a one issue voter :)! But I am glad that my gun rights will be protected for the next 4 years. And, by the way, how many “Assault Weapons” have been used in crimes since the ban was lifted?

What the Smallholder needs to do is to slice out a couple of hours a month (I know that will be hard) and start getting politically active in his area. Our Smallholder would make an excellent Democratic representative. He has always thought that his convictions are too strong to get elected but to that I say;

That is why Kerry was not elected. His convictions were not strong enough.

Back to the trenches

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