Huzzah for the Dreamy Miss Hewitt

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is endebted to Agent Bedhead (Dead Sexy Sadie) for pointing out that the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt has told the Sun (of Page 3 fame) that her boobies are her own and that she has no intention of showing them off for photographers.

What can your Maximum Leader say but “huzzah!” He feels as though the dreamy object of his platonic desires is making the right call.

We’ll leave it to the likes of common starlets like Jamie Pressly to bare their alls in exchange for filthy lucre.

Carry on.

phin said:

but we want boobies.
jlh boobies.

She probably won’t bare them because they. being natural and humongous, are droopy and misshapen. Unlike the perfect small globes of Ms. Pressly.

She probably won’t bare them because they. being natural and humongous, are droopy and misshapen. Unlike the perfect small globes of Ms. Pressly.

michin said:

Common starlets? Come September, it’ll be “Emmy Award Nominee Jaime Pressly” (eventually posing nude again for Playboy.)

Nevertheless, that’s far more than JLH will ever achieve.

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