Hurricane Relief

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader will jump on the bandwagon of pointing readers to relief organizations. Although he knows that his loyal readers should have already found those sites on their own.

As he always does, your Maximum Leader commends to you the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army.

He also wants to point out a way you can be both selfish and giving all at once. Bid on a website services from Apothegm Designs. (Bid money gets donated.)

Your Maximum Leader also endorses Catholic Charities USA as a worthwhile and noble organization for your donations.

Glenn Reynolds seems to have the most comprehensive list of charities over on Instapundit.

Give money if you are able. Give your time and effort if you are able. And keep the people affected in your thoughts, prayers, and mediations.

Carry on.

A little snarkyness below the fold…

As always seems to happen after natural disasters hit the US, the world doesn’t seem to give a damn. Well… Normally the Brits, Canadians, and Aussies give a damn. But few others. Michele Malkin and BRD both have interesting posts on this subject.

Your Maximum Leader is always put out by foreign reaction to our troubles. It is not that he necessarially wants the help of other nations. We are, after all, blessed in our nation with abundance and can probably handle it ourselves. It is the want of offering that offends him.

What always does surprise him are the very small poor countries who will offer to help the US after a natural disaster. Your Maximum Leader wouldn’t be surprised if the State Department has heard from the Prime Minister of Burkina Faso offering to send help. The poor countries of the world, those who know suffering and privation, are the ones that offer to help. It is good of them.

Of course the Machiavellian in your Maximum Leader wonders if some of those poor countries would actually offer if they thought we would accept…

Carry on.


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