Howie Dean and Timmy.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sat down with a mug of hot tea to watch Meet the Press. (As is his sometimes habit on Sunday morning.)

Alas, it was not nearly as entertaining as he’d hoped.

Dean did sound clear and articulate when discussing how he would repackage Democratic “language” about Abortion. No changes to their position, and no real discusion of the underlying ethical issues that are the root cause of so much of the debate; but softening the tone and trying not to alienate religious Southern voters.

Other than that one brief fleeting moment, Dean didn’t make your Maximum Leader feel confident that the Democrats are going to even vaugely try to make it competitive in ‘06 or ‘08.

Some statements that your Maximum Leader thought were comment worthy:

1) Dean talking about the filibuster in the Senate as a great democratic (small “d” intentional) institution. H! It is the most undemocratic tradition in our Republic. It serves a very useful role in many cases, but it is hardly democratic.

2) Your Maximum Leader liked it when Dean said that Republicans were going to start their complete takeover of the Republic by eliminating the judicial filibuster. The next step would be getting rid of the filibuster all together… Yeah… Sure Howard…

3) Your Maximum Leader sat slack-jawed as Dr. Dean went on to discuss how one party shouldn’t control Washington. It was important (to Dean) to have a vigourous miniority controling at least one of the three elected institutions in Washington. By this your Maximum Leader surmised he was either a) discussing his endoresment of Bernie Saunders and his desire that the Socialists would be the new “second party” in America or b) begging Americans to throw the party a bone somewhere. (Couldn’t we at least have the Senate? Please Red State America? Just the Senate…)

What the hell is his job? Last time your Maximum Leader checked he thought it was Dean’s job to get a Democratic majority. After listening to him this morning this must mean he really just wants the Presidency and the Senate. It is important for the health of our Republic that some other party (Socialists preferably) control something…

4) Dean said that Democrats were happy to join President Bush at the table to talk about Social Security. President Bush has said that he would like to talk to the Democrats about Social Security. According to Dean, the President has to stop all this nonsense about privatizing accounts before the Democrats will talk. The President says he wants everything on the table. Don’t expect any talking any time soon.

5) At one point Dean said that Republicans “out manipulated” Democrats in the last election in defining issues and debate. That was an interesting way of putting it. “Out manipulated.” Your Maximum Leader likes it. He’ll try to make a note of that one.

6) Dean made a big deal about how the Democrats were going to have paid staff in every voting precinct in America by the 2008 election. He said that he was going to make sure that the Presidential race wasn’t going to be a 7 month effort but a 4 year effort.

That is so reassuring… <sarcasm>Just what we all want. Continuous electioneering for President. That will make all Americans happy and more informed. You know up to this point most voters have thought that if only politicians would be in full bore campaign mode all the time they’d have more reason to “tune in” to what was being said…</sarcasm>

Anyway. Your Maximum Leader didn’t get the chuckle he was hoping for from Gov. Dean today. But heh… Your Maximum Leader still has his Wagner Operas to cheer him up.

Carry on.

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