Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader returns to his blog. If any of you are out there and still reading - well thanks… You remain near and dear to your Maximum Leader’s heart. (For you know that he blogs for you…) If you know of minions who stopped reading for some mad reason - well… Tell them that they need to start again…
For those of you who care… Your Maximum Leader had a great time last week at his formal ball. It allowed your Maximum Leader to dress up in his tuxedo and look all dapper. Mrs. Villain was all bedecked in cocktail dress, pearls, and designer handbag. We were quite a site. The pre-ball party was a hit. (Your Maximum Leader had some guests over for dinner before the ball.) As you always should at a function like this, your Maximum Leader prepared enough food for about twice as many people as actually attended. Which was good as he lived off the leftovers all weekend. (Nothing quite like nibbling on prime rib and pork tenderloin for three days.)
Your Maximum Leader should inform you all that he will be gone for while this week as well. Depending on how things shake out he will be going to New York City on Thursday or Friday of this week. He’ll be staying for the weekend. Returning to the Villainschloss late on Sunday. Mrs Villain will join him for Friday through Sunday. It will be your Maximum Leader’s first trip to NYC since 2000. It will be Mrs. Villain’s first trip ever to the Big Apple.
It goes without saying that there will be no blogging during the trip… At this point our schedule on Saturday is somewhat flexible. We will likely go to the Met for a while. Mrs. Villain would like to go downtown and see the World Trade Center site. On some level your Maximum Leader does too. We’ll have to see how things work out.
Meals are planned. Lunch at Barney’s. Breakfast at Norma’s. Dinner at Felidia’s. Broadway play (Martin Short’s play - only one we could agree upon) followed by trip to a deli…
If you have any suggestions on things your Maximum Leader should take in while there - feel free to shoot him an e-mail.
In other news…
How about that Pittsburgh v. Atlanta game yesterday? Wow! What a contest. It was riveting football. Your Maximum Leader, who didn’t really care who won really, hardly left the sofa the game was so good. Frankly, the Philly v. Tampa Bay game was also excellent. It was hard to choose which to watch…
Anyhoo… Monday Night Football tonight… More baseball tomorrow…
Carry on.