Have You What It Takes?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader asks you, “Do you have what it takes to be very Sexy Sadie’s Co-blogger?”

Sadie is looking for a co-blogger. Not a guest blogger mind you. A co-blogger. Sort of like a friend with benefits… Only it is really like a blogger with no benefits… (So to speak.)

Sadie asks only that you fill out her form and tell her why you want to join the par-tay.

Your Maximum Leader thinks there are a few other questions she should ask…

Questions like these:

Is there really something about Mary?

Jon Stewart. Snarky God of Faux News or just another whiny liberal? Explain your answer.

Julia Roberts. America’s sweetheart or painted whore? Explain your answer.

(For women) Have you ever stopped traffic in your Maidenform bra?

and finally,

(For men) Can you hammer a six-inch spike through a board with your penis?

Carry on.


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    • maxldr


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      Twitter. I tweet a lot.

Hurtling penislike into the sweaty cleavage of history.

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