Hating America, Bush v. Hitler, and Buggery.

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader thinks that if that title line doesn’t hook you then what will? So much to blog today. Let us dive right in.

First, as many gun-owners would like to point out. Today is National Buy Ammo Day. Your Maximum Leader might just leave the Villainschloss today and get some ammo for one of his rifles or pistols. Perhaps he will even go to a local gun range and cavort with his minions there and kill some paper targets.

And here is a helpful hint from your Maximum Leader on practising at the gun range. If your are simulating removing bad people invading your home from this earth, set the paper target away from you at a distance equal to the longest unobstructed distance in your home. This way you will be more comfortable shooting at what will (in all likelyhood) be the maximum distance at which you would have to shoot. Remember most gunfights take place at a distance of less than 3 feet. (Remember that wacko shooting the lawyer a few weeks ago? The one where the lawyer hid behind the tree? Here is a story with video link.) You practise so that you are proficient (and what the heck, its fun). And, s we all know, the point of using a handgun for home defence is to take your bad-guy down.

Aside: Your Maximum Leader found a new blog today he thinks he likes. AnalPhilosopher. Not sure he will make the blogroll just yet. But he may. Especially after reading this post about John Rawls. Which both repeats and puts a new spin something your Maximum Leader has been saying to his most trusted minions for years. Namely, John Rawl’s “Original Position” argument is not a particularly strong one… UPDATE: Added site to blogroll. Your Maximum Leader approves… Very thought provoking.

Lets see what is up next… Hey howzabout 10 Reason why Bush is no Hitler!
1) Hitler only had one descended testicle. (And thus couldn’t get into the German Navy.)
2) Bush has no aspirations about creating a race of supermen to rule the world.
3) Hitler divided Poland with the USSR in a secret treaty. Bush brought Poland into the Iraq Coalition.
4) Bush owned a baseball team.
5) Hitler spoke Germany fluently. Even his most ardent supporters realize that Bush sometimes has trouble with English.
6) Bush is currently on a state visit to Great Britain. Hitler’s trip never quite materialized.
7) Hitler liked German Shepards. Bush is partial to Spaniels. 8) Bush didn’t burn down the Congress and cast the blame on Democrats to facilitate his rise to power.
9) Hitler killed himself in an underground bunker and had his body doused with petrol and set aflame.
10) Bush has never invaded France.

Your Maximum Leader hopes his list is satisfactory for the Air Marshal.

Next up. Hating America. Today your Maximum Leader would like to point out some different articles to you, my loyal minions. The first comes from Mark Steyn at the Daily Telegraph via blog-famous “pussification” author Kim Du Toit. And another column by one of your Maximum Leader’s favourites, John Derbyshire. If you have taken the time to read them do you see the common thread. America, the land of plenty, is hated by everyone for everything. And what’s more, we like it so much here no one wants to leave. It makes many overseas America-haters seem a little churlish when you think of it like this. Is America hating little more than a global outbreak of Shakespeare’s “green-eyed monster?” Humm… Sometimes your Maximum Leader thinks so…

And lastly… Buggery…

Your Maximum Leader doesn’t really have an opinion about Prince Charles and the allegations that he has buggered one of his staff. Frankly, he doesn’t much care. Your Maximum Leader did think the line about sniggering about buggery was sorta funny.

Carry on.

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