Has it been that long?

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader doffs his bejeweled (yet floppy) hat to the lovely Annika. It seems that she has, as she puts it, “Hey, i Made It To One Year!”

Your Maximum Leader enjoys her site very much. Indeed, he reads it (nearly) every day. Hers is one of the handful of sites that when it is not updated daily, causes a wee bit of melencholy to fall over his otherwise calm and famously even-tempered persona.

Your Maximum Leader is quite glad that his is happily married to the lovely (and pregnant) Mrs. Villain. For if he was not, he would probably have already tried to pitch woo furiously in the lovely Annika’s direction. So much so that she would likely have had to have had a restraining order issued against him.

Happy anniversary Annika. Remember, when the Mike World Order comes, you will be well taken care of. (And named Commissioner of Baseball if I recall…)

Carry on.

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