Gutless Supremes

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is disappointed in the United States Supreme Court. They have no problem jumping into political questions like elections. But they don’t have the guts to hear a case about an Oklahoma constitutional ban on cockfighting. Surely there are no more important issue facing our great republic than the banning (by referendum no less) of animal blood sports! Your Maximum Leader respectfully request that the Supreme Court re-examine its refusal to hear this humble petition brought forth by blood-lusty Okies.

Humm… Sadie is in Oklahoma isn’t she? She’s lusty. Your Maximum Leader has never picked up on her having a blood-lust though. (Perhaps she’d not mind a little scratch now and then in the midst of “fun.”) Your Maximum Leader wonders how stands Sadie on the issue of poultry blood sports?

Carry on.

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