Guiliana Sgerna Updates

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has followed with interest the story of the release, then shooting, of Guiliana Sgerna. Your Maximum Leader does mourn the death of Nicola Calipari. It appears, at this point, to be a tragic accident.

This is what your Maximum Leader thinks happened, for what that is worth. In a nutshell, the car carrying Sgerna and Calipari approached a checkpoint manned by the US 3rd Infantry Division. They approached the checkpoint at night and at high speed. The US soldiers fired signaled and fired warning shots at the vehicle. He believes that these warning shots may have scared the driver into thinking they were under attack and provoked him to drive faster. Which in turn caused US troops to open fire to stop the car.

Of course, your Maximum Leader is willing to revise any of these assumptions as facts become clear. The good Dr. Rusty is also revising some of his previous statements. It takes a big man to admit when he is wrong. Rusty must be a big man. The good Dr. also has some information about how Sgerna’s story is changing.

Your Maximm Leader will continue to follow the story and comment as he can.

Carry on.

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