Got Nuthin’

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has got nuthin’ at this moment. Of course it hasn’t helped that he’s been up to his eyeballs in other work. Yes… As hard as it is to believe, your Maximum Leader has responsibilities beyond blogging. And as hard as that might be for you to understand, it is harder for your Maximum Leader who would much rather blithely opine on this and that than do other things.

Actually, it isn’t entirely accurate to say that your Maximum Leader as nuthin’ to blog about. In fact his mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives. He just doesn’t have the energy to blog.

Just to paint you all a pathetic picture right now… Your Maximum Leader is sitting in his office at the Villainschloss. He has a Washington Nationals (Go Nats!) souvenir cup filled with ice, four fingers of 1792 bourbon, and Coca Cola. Playing on iTunes is Tom Jones. (Who right now is belting out “She’s A Lady.”)

As you all know, when one doesn’t have the energy to blog one does the whole link dump thingie… So… Here are some links…

Myllan caps. Tiaras. We’re all about royalty here.

Your Maximum Leader is about to put on Shaun of the Dead and finish his bourbon. In honour of that one should read over what the Colossus writes about a wish list for when the zombies attack. In the peice the Colossus notes that he would go with NATO 7.62 ammo vs Russian 7.62 x 39. He takes this decision because he says good Russian ammo is hard to come by. Your Maximum Leader has solved this problem by purchasing himself boxes of 7.62 x 39 ammo by the crate. He believes he could scrounge together about 6000 rounds of 7.62 x39 ammo. That would last long enough to find some more.

The Passion + The Rock = Pure Llama Gold.

The things Annika will do for 100 quid.

Buckethead is on to something here.

And finally… The US got their butts kicked by the Czechs in World Cup Soccer. (But the game still scored big ratings on the Duece.) Well… There is always 2010.

Running low on Bourbon. Gotta go…

Carry on.

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