Goose Problem

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees on the news wires that Oakland, California, has a goose problem. Well… According to the article the geese wouldn’t be a problem if they didn’t poop so much. The people living around this large lake in Oakland are overrun with Canada Geese. Thousands of them. And each bird makes a pound of poop a day. They have tons of poop every day going into their lake, their lawns, their water. Poop is everywhere.

And this concerns the good residents of Oakland. They want to be good neighbours to the geese. But they can’t. Too much poop. They hire dogs to chase the birds away. But they come back. They don’t want to run afoul of international treaties that protect migratory birds. Such action might result in retaliatory airstrikes from the Bush Administration. So what are the poor people of Oakland to do?

Well… They need to get the Governator on the line and ask him to got to Washington and get the White House and Congress moving on some needed reform of the Migratory Bird Treaties. We need to stop protecting the Canada Goose. They are all over the place. Once we allow more hunting of Canada Geese, we do some serious cooking of goose. Have you ever had a cooked goose? Damn they are tasty. Your Maximum Leader commends to you this recipe for roast goose. This is close to one your Maximum Leader has used in the past. And remember to save the fat your goose gives off in cooking. That stuff can be used to cook and flavour all sorts of other tasties.

All this talk of roast goose is making your Maximum Leader quite hungry…

Carry on.

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