Good Stuff From Brian

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader makes it a point to read Memento Moron daily. Brian is a good blogger who discourses on everything from Christianity to Cooking. Today, your Maximum Leader commends to you two posts from Brian. The first is: For Whom the Christmas Bells Tolls. It is a reprint of a James Thurber parody of Earnest Hemmingway. It is spot on - and quite seasonal.

The second is this post entitled: Recycling Good Cheer. While your Maximum Leader and the Smallholder often prompt other bloggers to write something, it is good to see the AirMarshal prompting comments from others. Read over Brian’s thoughts on “re-gifting” (which BTW is a hot-button topic at the Villainschloss).

Carry on.

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