Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wanted to comment on British MP George Galloway testifying in front of a Senate panel investigating the Oil for Food Scandal. But he couldn’t quite figure out from what angle he wanted to approach the story. Then he read this:
I must admit I have been smiling over the Galloway hearing.Don’t get me wrong: Galloway is a piece of offal, who used a sick-kids charity as a cover for enriching himself, and smooched with one of the world’s nastiest dictators for the same purpose.
Galloway came up through the UK parliamentary system, though, where you have to be fierce and clever in debate, and need to be able to think fast on your feet. The US Senate is full of pompous bores, stuffed up to the nose holes with a conviction of their own terrific importance, whose idea of debate is to drone their way through a speech some minimum-wage staffer has written up for them. This was like watching an alley mongrel let loose in a room full of pampered, overfed lap dogs.
To judge from Galloway’s name, appearance, and style, this was also a vivid illustration of the good old Scotch-Irish scrapper from the Borders taking on a smug establishment. I wouldn’t want Galloway at my dinner table, but I must confess, this was fun to watch.
Thank you John Derbyshire for putting it just as your Maximum Leader would have.
Carry on.