From Below >>Your Maximum Leader

From Below

>>Your Maximum Leader knows the President means well. But what is up with all this spending? And all these new programs? Ack!<<

Go Figure. Maybe this president isn't a true conservative? I don't think Dubya could even spell "Hamiltonian", much less comprehend the principles behind it. I think Bush is a mish-mash of principles that don't really fit well together. Incredibly socially conservative, fiscally out of control, and internationally unilatterally hawkish. I don't think Bush comprehends, or cares about, the role of the Executive branch as laid out in the constitution.

I yearn for the days of Clinton-Gingrich. Yeah, those two were sleazeballs, but they were smart sleazeballs who understood how to compromise, work togehter and they actually do some good stuff.

>>What? What was that you say? It’s an election year and the President is starting to make promises? Well shuck your Maximum Leader’s corn and call him baldy! Surely not! You mean all this other stuff we’ve been spending money on was just LEADING UP TO ELECTION PROMISES!<<

Well, duh. I assume ML is trying to be sarcastic here. The problem with George Dubya Shrub is that just about everything he’s done since last March has been geared towards next november. Speaches, policies, and initiatives all seemed to be setting himself up to make claims during the election, and positioning the democratic party to look bad.

Yes, it’s nothing that hasn’t been done before. But this administration is more blatant, unappologetic, nd takes things to a new level.

I still suspect that when the dust settles, this will go down as one of the most corrupt regimes ever to hold the White House.

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