Friday Villainy, November 12, 2004 - Arafat Edition.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has decided that this week’s Friday Villainy selection will be keeping with the spirit of last week’s selection. Your Maximum Leader presents the newest contribution to worm food in Ramallah (also the latest resident of the burning rivers of feces in hell) - Yassir Arafat.

Your Maximum Leader would post a photo, but two photos of Arafat on this website in one week is just too much for your Maximum Leader to handle (and still digest his food properly).

If you haven’t read enough about Arafat allow your Maximum Leader to pass on some fine links:

Tom Gross on Media & Yasser Arafat on National Review Online.

Andrew McCarthy on Arafat, also on NRO.

Washington Post Coverage of Arafat’s Burial.

The Times of India’s coverage of the hidden Arafat billions.

There are more, but your Maximum Leader grows weary of spending so much effort on a man worthy of so little… Did you Maximum Leader mention that since Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize your Maximum Leader hasn’t cared who won it? It is a worthless trinket given to the ignominious by the sanctimonious.

Carry on.

UPDATE: Your Maximum Leader decided that he ought to add some comments by various bloggers to this post…

Read Skippy’s take. Excellent and insightful as always. Damn him.

Dr. Rusty speculates on the cause of death.

Your Maximum Leader thinks that the Tall Dog asessment of Arafat as a “murdering, blood-soaked, cocksucker” is charitable.

And because it is worth it. Your Maximum Leader will repeat his link to the wonderful Iowahawk post on Uses for a Dead Nobel Laureate.

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