Free Speech?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader actually did click through and read some of the links recently provided by the Minister of Propaganda. Bush is limiting the ability of citizens of the US to speak freely on political issues by not allowing them into his “town hall” meetings? Hardly.

As the Minister of Propaganda surely knows, these people are free to speak their minds on Social Security and any other issue. The issue the M of P seems to want to point out is that President Bush has friendly crowds. Surely that can’t be the only trouble? People whine because hey can’t protest anywhere they want any time they want and before any person they want. Your Maximum Leader seems to remember a cage adorned with razor wire under a highway flyover which was touted by Democrats as the “free speech zone.”

Surely the M of P can’t really be upset by the President’s advance people staging an event to make it look better on television. As your Maximum Leader remembers it, this technique was pioneered by Lyndon Johnson.

The M of P is welcome to point out that the President is speaking before carefully selected crowds. Just as most other Presidents of the television age have. But to say he is curtailing the right of free speech is a little bit of a stretch.

Carry on.

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