Fox News

Last year during the March to Badgad, I used to read FoxNews as my main news source. The reason behind this was that FoxNews really was faster than CNN, msnbc or any other news source that I read. Events were moving fast, and FoxNews really did a decent job of keeping on top of events… to a point.

The price was that you really couldn’t trust what they reported until it was verified. Frequently they jumped all over a news story only to have the links evaporate in an hour or two never to reappear. No retraction or correction, the story just evaporated into cyperspace. Granted, I know better than to accept a conservative news source to EVER admit a mistake. In any event, it was more funny than anything else to watch reports of battles, victories and defeats just vanish. The Mobile Weapons lab was a big one. So was the Bin-Laden/Hussein link that FoxNews reported.

So when I saw the reports of Sarin on Fox News, and the Washington Post I was concerned. Then nothing. Not much outside of conservative pundits and bloggers saying “I told you so.” Now, granted, lots of news papers, TV stations, and various media outlets carry reports that are later de-bunkes. What makes Fox News so cool is that reports that it deems particularly Fair and Ballanced get “BREAKING NEWS” front page treatment. It’s more entertaining than anything else.

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